Once a Tornado, Always a Tornado

Once a Tornado, Always a Tornado

Tornado Letterman Questionnaire

BREVARD, N.C. — As the Tornados get set to end their 12th season in the modern NCAA-era, Head Coach Bill Khayat continues to emphasize to his players those elements that enhance their chances for success.

One of the keys is team unity and the resulting feeling of accomplishment and camaraderie in the shared effort.  It is instrumental in producing an enduring bond with Brevard College and its teams yet to be fielded, and also engenders a compelling desire to return from time to time to the campus to remember and reminisce.

For those who have donned a Brevard College football helmet and hold an abiding regard for the Tornados, a new alumni questionnaire is being rolled out that will update your contact information. This is especially needed for members of more recent squads. By your participating, it will make the distribution of information quicker and more efficient. Please refer to Tornado Letterman Questionnaire.

With "I Heart BC Day" coming up on November 27, there is an opportunity for all members of the Tornado Football Family to contribute to the annual giving drive and help to create a positive impact on current and future student-athletes. Giving helps offset costs associated with academic services, team travel, recruiting, practice and video equipment. It also helps with mentoring and leadership programs.

Former players are also encouraged to sign up for future correspondence regarding alumni spotlights, speaking engagements, and future homecoming activities.